Broken NFC ring (pictures)
as mentioned in the comments of the Kickstarter campaign, I broke my ring. In response to Adrians request, here are some pictures:
A special thanks to John who ist willing to replace it, thank you very much!
@RolandK (on KS comments)
Aaaaaaand I broke it. :( I was clapping my hands and my wedding ring on the other hand must have hit the NFC Ring, which turned out to be the weaker one.Thanks for providing the pictures. This shouldn't happen to the ring.
As mentioned by John in the KS comments. Please send in the ring and it will be replaced for free.
The exact same thing happened to me last Friday night, a day after I received it in the mail.
I was clapping for my son's goals and it just broke as the one above did in the exact same spot, where the inlays are placed. Looks like that may be a weak spot, especially on the larger rings, mine was quite large.I figured I was out of luck, as I see no mention of warranty on the site.
Whom can I contact about this issue?I will attach pictures when I get home. I am out of town on business. So, sometime tomorrow.
Please send a mail to and refer to this post as well as to your pictures. Shouldn't be a problem to replace your ring.
@Freddy Can I asked where you looked on the site for warranty? I need to make it clear we have your back! cc @NFC-Ring-Team @Chris @ChrisL
@johnyma22 maybe add links to warranty and returns to the site and not only have them linked in the store
@johnyma22 I looked under the support tab from within the NFC store, as well as the FAQ sections. I didn't see them. Thank you both for responding to me. I'll be sure to post pictures today and send out that email to support.
Here's the pictures of my ring... I can provide better one's if needed.
Warranty is covered by the returns process - "A ring supplied by McLear Ltd has developed a fault within a 12 month period and there are no signs of foul play."
Re: Broken NFC ring (pictures)
I bought my ring from MCLear Ltda through in August 2016. I used daily for 13 months and one part (Antenna suppose) got lost. The ring stopped working 2 weeks before the final break.