As has been said previously, changing orders(I like how this is mentioned like it's just ok for a company to do) and not telling the customer directly is really poor customer service. How is the customer supposed to know that their order was "arbitrarily changed" as opposed to just getting the order wrong?
"Coloured metal rings are no longer possible"
So why are you still selling them?
"For those with changed orders there will be an opportunity to request and redeem a voucher for a ring of your choice after all kickstarter and pre-orders have been fulfilled"
We're going on a year here. Also, letting your customers know this DIRECTLY would be a good idea. Email lists work just fine.
"the only one recommended is the original Elechouse PN532 V3" 13.21.56.jpg
Any other excuses?
"Depending how long you've been gone..."
So you purge your users every 2 months? and it's employee's (NOT volunteers) should spend a little more time resolving issues and customer complaints and owning up to product limitations and faults instead of relying on community volunteers to make excuses.