Are there any electronic cylinders working with NFC rings?
An electronic cylinder is a passive lock (no motor like keyturners). The door stays locked until you show an RFID card, and the cylinder unlocks so you can manually turn the lock and open the door. Advantages are: quick operation, compatibility with all doors including those with multiple bolts hard to turn, and long battery life (about 3 years).
There are many manufacturers of RFID European electronic cylinders. Are they compatible with NTAG chips (NTAG203 and NTAG216) in NFC rings?
Below I selected only cylinders compliant with ISO/IEC 14443. They are basically advertised as working with 13.56GHz MIFARE (1k, Ultralight and also DESFire for some of them):
There are many othersā¦ including this cheap one :
EASTWU Rocket ED01-MF1EDIT: the seller answered: "this product doesn't match you requirement"
(but it is not stated if it's also ISO-14443 compliant, too bad because it also has physical keys, this is good if you come home to find the battery is dead and you can't open the door)
Nobody? I emailed simonsvoss USA, they answered:
"Thank you for your enquiry, I am sorry but our locks are not compatible with NTAG Chips.
Our Locks only support Mifare Classic, Mifare Desfire and Mifare Plus chips."I don't understand as their locks work with 13.56MHz MIFARE S50 Classic 1k cards and keyfobs and are stated as ISO 14443 certified. In NFC ring's FAQ, we can read:
- Q. Which digital door locks work with the ring?
- A. All door locks with NFC(ISO14443) should work fine.
So what is missing?
SATO electronic cylinder works with MiFareĀ® contactless 1K RFID cards and tags. User-friendly and more convenience, available in various size and colors.
I'm not sure, but smart locks Kwikset work with NFC rings
Dormakaba evolo locks work well at least when using a Mifare master card and whitelist mode.