Regular NFC Sweet Spots
Hi Guys,
I work in phone shop and have access to a bunch of handsets, I'm going to start posting pics of phones general NFC sweet spots, I'm testing with a whole heap of different tags and hopefully it'll be helpful to the community
HTC one XL Sweet Spot

If you or anyone else has access to a Nexus 4, can you please post the sweet spot for this also?
If you or anyone else has access to a Nexus 4, can you please post the sweet spot for this also?
The sweet spot on the Nexus 4 is between the words Nexus & LG. I find that from the middle to the LG works best.
Thank you.
Galaxy S3 seems to have a really good read even with small tags in this area
[quote="koolmoedee1000":2b3tgvwr]Galaxy S3 seems to have a really good read even with small tags in this area
The issue with reading tags isn't that they're large or small, but rather that the public and private NFC tags on the ring interfere with each other. The Galaxy S3 has its NFC antenna in the battery like the S4, which supposedly doesn't work very well with normal NFC rings (John said the sweet spot was ~1cm by 1cm). So this rectangle isn't a good representation of how well the rings will work with the S3. -
Hi you can find the phone sweet spot within your nfc phone hand book (user guide).
so here is the xperia sp phone:
To turn on the NFC functionFrom your Home screen, tap Application screen icon in Sony Smartphones . Find and tap Settings > More…. Mark the NFC checkbox.
NFC detection area
Nfc detection area on Sony Xperia™ SP
The location of the NFC detection area is not the same on all devices. When sharing data with another device using NFC, refer to the User guide of the other device for more information. -
Phone: Sony Xperia Z Ultra
Phone: Sony Xperia M
Phone: Sony Xperia T
Phone: Sony Xperia L
Phone: Sony Xperia S
Phone: Sony Xperia P
Phone: Sony Xperia Sola
Found HTC One sweet Spot over at [url=]HTC Support Page[/url:1p7jj8k0]
[b:1p7jj8k0]Edit:[/b:1p7jj8k0] HTC changed their page around, updated image and url
Nokia N9
This phone has excellent NFC readability with a huge sweet spot at the top rear of the phone.
Both Alpha and Normal rings are very easily readable, so easy in fact that I keep doing it by accident. -
Nexus 5
I've found that best effect is around here, with the ring inlay horizontal for the Normal ring.
(It does have a case, around 5mm thick, and has no issues with readability whatsoever)
I posted this picture in another thread, but just so it's in the right category...
Verizon (Quallcomm Snapdragon) Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (N900V), regular ring size 7.
It's pretty quirky and can be difficult and may fail to read once or twice occasionally but once you get used to it it's pretty easy and reliable for me.
An awful phone with major screen issues. If you really must have one then the bullseye marks the sweet spot. Best used with inlays horizontal to the phone (stick your finger straight up the back of it).
BlackBerry Z10. Very tiny sweetspot, but does work with normal Stealth Bomber ring. Can also use the stock Smart Tags app to write things to it.