After doing some reading about the NFC chip in the NFC ring, It's clear that the security required to use this ring to store private keys is just not there.
Could someone comment on future plans for the ring? The xNT is using the shiny new NTAG216, any idea on when the next hardware refresh will be and whether it will include a more advanced chip?
I'm particularly keen on future proofing for [url=https://fidoalliance.org/specifications:2e2oo14g]FIDO compatibility[/url:2e2oo14g], particularly the U2F standard.
Heya, indolering
Disclaimer: We're semi-involved with the xNT and we have helped Amal with contacts at NXP. Me and Amal are good buddies too working on several projects together.. I have a lot of time for him and his projects and we will continue to support him moving forward and hope he supports us moving forward. If you look on our Kickstarter page you can see a link out to his store.
RE NTAG216 in NFC Ring, we haven't done a public announcement on this but the TLDR; is yes but I can't really announce more than that right now..
Disclaimer #2: This post may be removed because it might be part of a larger marketing strategy that I'm not aware of for the company.. I tend to stick to teh R&D side of things..
TLDR; Yes, in the future but if you want to see it sooner then grab a ring with NTAG203 and that will help us raise the funds we need to produce an NTAG216 powered ring! [url:x839zusn]http://nfcring.com[/url:x839zusn]
TLDR; Yes, in the future but if you want to see it sooner then grab a ring with NTAG203 and that will help us raise the funds we need to produce an NTAG216 powered ring! [url:1ahfxsqa]http://nfcring.com[/url:1ahfxsqa][/quote:1ahfxsqa]
Excellent, thanks for the heads up. College student, so I can't afford to bankroll much of anything right now : )
Have you looked into the U2F standard closely? The old Yubikeys are not going to be backwards compatible, so it might not be a simple matter of having a single secure storage location. You wouldn't want to miss the boat on the next big standard!